Complaints & Feedback Policy


At Focus on Function we are striving to provide high quality customer experiences for our participants, their families and communities. 

We are committed to always learning on how we can improve our service. One way that we can achieve this is through obtaining feedback from you. 

We will always actively accept any feedback, whether it’s a complaint or compliment, to ensure we are working on improving our business to best meet your needs. 

How to provide feedback

You can provide feedback to us

  • Individually

  • Through family, friends or carers.

  • From an advocate such as a Disability Advocate

  • NDIS Commission

How to provide feedback to Focus on Function 

Please don’t hesitate in contacting us in the following ways.

Write to us: Focus on Function - Attention Practice Manager.
PO Box 873 Gunnedah NSW 2380  
Phone: 0493133667
Responding to your complaint will occur within 2-3 Business days from receiving the complaint.   

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission can be contacted in the following ways:

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Disability Advocate

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Disability Advocacy information support can be found at the following:          
If you require any further assistance with these processes, please don’t hesitate to contact Focus on Function on 0493133667. 

icare Complaints and Feedback

icare Lifetime Care Participants or a worker in the Workers Care Program are encouraged to contact their case manager if they wish to make a complaint about service provision. 

If however, you wish to speak to someone other than your approved icare coordinator, icare can be contacted in the following ways: 

Requesting an Advocate

If you wish to find an advocate to assist you with this process for icare, information can be found at: If you require any further assistance with these processes, please don’t hesitate to contact Focus on Function on 0493133667.

Occupational Therapy Board APHRA 

Focus on Function Occupational Therapists are required to be registered with APHRA, which is the governing body for most healthcare professionals in Australia. Complaints and concerns can be raised with the Occupational Therapy Board of APHRA relating to complaints or concerns relating to the conduct, health or performance of a practitioner or a student including Occupational Therapists. More information can be found at: Website: 
Phone: 1300419498 

If you require any further assistance with these processes, please don’t hesitate to contact Focus on Function on 0493133667. This information is obtained from Focus on Function Feedback, Complaints and Compliments Policy. We are happy to provide a copy on request.